This option allows drill program data from other systems to be interfaced directly with the
Micromat via the 25 way RS232 connector on the rear panel of the Micromat control
Micromat RS232 software (version 5.19 or later) must be present in the system to control
the interface.
Typical connections would be to a paper tape reader/punch or to a CAD or other computer
system for loading or storage of drill data.
The operation of the interface circuit is controlled from the LOAD and SAVE commands on
the front panel, which behave in exactly the same manner as for the paper tape option.
A description of the signals available on the RS232 connector follow to enable the user to
connect the interface to the equipment of their choice, however, "RS232" is another one of
the electronics industry's "standards" and the user will have to consult the manual of any
equipment so connected to ensure full compatibility.
The Micromat RS232 interface uses RTS/CTS handshaking and is wired as a "null modem"
In most interconnection hook ups a straight pin to pin cable will suffice.
To connect to another Micromat a swap-over cable is required with pins 2 and 3; and pins
4 and 5 swapped and pin 7 connected to pin 7.
RTS/CTS handshaking is used but not essential if transmitting to a host system which can
accept data without loss at the selected baud rate.
If the interface is receiving data then the handshake system must be used to avoid loss of
data unless a baud rate of 300 or less is selected.
If handshaking is not used then pin 4, (RTS), on the interface should be left un-connected.
An internal pull-up resistor will hold this pin high (+12V) to enable transmission from the