IB BP3KN1-3B V4920 EN
1. Introduction
1.1. Your automatic wrist blood pressure monitor
Thank you for purchasing a fully automatic wrist blood pressure monitor. Your monitor is
designed to provide fast and reliable digital readings of your pulse, and systolic / diastolic
blood pressure using the oscillometric method on your wrist. It offers clinically proven
accuracy and has been designed to be user friendly.
Before using your blood pressure monitor, please read this instruction manual carefully to
ensure correct use. If you have additional questions regarding blood pressure
measurements please contact your doctor.
1.2. Inflation mode technology
Please note that this device employs “Inflation Mode Technology.” This means your blood
pressure is measured while the wrist cuff is inflating, rather than first inflating to a peak
pressure, and then measuring during a slow deflation process. With this process, it is a
normal occurrence for the inflation speed to vary. This unique technology provides a faster,
more comfortable blood pressure reading for you.
If you have any questions about your blood pressure reading or monitor, please call us at