Microframe Corporation
604 South 12
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Series 3500
MultiPage Transmitter
The MultiPage Transmitter is designed to set on a flat surface or
table top, or to be installed on a mounting wedge for an angle or
wall mount. To use the transmitter, simply plug the 12-volt DC
power adapter into the back of the transmitter and then plug
the adapter into the wall. The transmitter is now ready to use.
The MultiPage Transmitter has two primary operations.
Send numbers to Visual-Pager® displays using the
[ENTER] key
Page Microframe vibrating pagers using the [SEND]
Sending Numbers to Visual-Pager® Displays:
To send a number to a display, simply type the
number that you want to display, i.e. “1234” and then
press [ENTER].
To delete a number from the display, press [CANCEL]
then type the number, i.e. “1234” then press [ENTER].
Paging Vibrating Pagers:
To send a page to a vibrating pager (i.e. pager #4), type the pager number “4” then press [SEND].
You will then be prompted for the Beep Type. Different beep types can display up to three different
factory programmed text messages on the pager such as, "COME NOW", "NEED HELP", or
"CHILD FINE". Type in the desired beep type, or press [ENTER] to accept the default. Pressing
[SEND] from the beep type screen will page the pager with a blank message. From the message
screen you can type in the numeric message, i.e. “911” and then press [ENTER] or [SEND] to send
the page to the Pager. If re-page is "ON," you will see the message re-paging on the bottom line of
the transmitter LCD screen, followed by the number of the pager that you just paged. To stop the
re-page of a pager, press [CANCEL] then type the number of the pager, i.e. “4” and then press
Programmable Configurations
The MultiPage Transmitter has eight programmable options. To access these options, simply press
[SETUP] on the keypad, then press the “*“ or “#” keys to move through the list of options. When you come
to an option you would like to change, press [ENTER]. Depending on the option, you can either press the “*“
and “#” keys to change the value of the option, or you can use the numbers to type in the desired value. To
return to the main options menu press [ENTER]. When finished making changes, simply press the [SEND]
key to save the changes or the [CANCEL] key to discard your changes. Each of the eight options are
described in detail below.
OPTION 1 – Transmitter Roll-Over Time
The “Roll-Over” Time is the amount of time that each number in the transmitter memory shows on the LCD
screen before rotating to the next number. For example, with the transmitter Roll-Over Time set to three
seconds, and the transmitter with “123” and “456” in its memory, the transmitter will show “123” for three
seconds and then show “456” for three seconds and then back to “123.” To change the transmitter Roll-
Over Time, simply use the “*“ and “#” keys to select a time from 1 to 16 seconds. When the desired time is
reached press [ENTER].
NOTE: The Transmitter Roll-Over Time is completely independent of the Display Roll-Over Time.
OPTION 2 – Auto Delete Time
The Auto Delete Time is the time that a number remains on the display before it is automatically deleted.
This time can be set using the “*“ and “#” keys to select the desired value from 1 to 25 minutes. Once the
desired value is reached, press [ENTER] to return to the main system’s options menu.
NOTE: The Visual-Pager® Display has an independent Auto Delete Time which is set following the
instructions in the Visual-Pager® Display Section.
The factory default for the display Auto Delete time is 45 minutes. The reason for having an auto delete time
in the display, as well as the transmitter, is best understood by the following example: At the end of the day,
a user may unplug the transmitter to turn it off. If there are numbers being shown on the display, they will
remain on the display until the display's auto delete removes them.