ETS2228 Maintenance Manual
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Chapter 2 ETS2228 Principles
2.1 Principles
ETS2228 Fixed Wireless Terminal (FWT) is composed by two boards, keypad and LCD etc. one board
is Terminal Communication Process Unit (TCPU), the other one is Phone Interface Process Unit(PIPU).
The TCPU includes MSM6000 subsystem, Power supply and power management subsystem, RF
subsystem and TCPU interface subsystem; the PIPU includes user interface subsystem(Serial port
protection module, AF channel 1, AF channel 2, Environment monitoring module and PCB version
number check module ), power supply and power manager subsystem(Primary power supply module,
Primary power supply check module, Battery charge/discharge module, DC/DC power module, Power
switch control module).
ETS2228 principle structure
Figure 1: ETS2288 FWT Structure
HUAWEI ETS2228 Fixed Wireless Terminal is composed of two boards and keypad & LCD. One