The opening and closing of the door can take place according to differ-
ent operating cycles:
• single cycle (semiautomatic): the door opens with a command and
stays open until the next command is given, causing it to close.
• complete cycle (automatic closing): the door opens with a command
and then closes automatically after a short time (for the time, see para-
graph 5.1.1 “Adjusting the parameters with the radio transmitter”).
To switch from one operating cycle to the other, press the P3 button [B]
momentarily; the corresponding LED P3 [A] will light up or go off; if the
LED is off the cycle is “single”, if the LED is on the cycle is “complete”.
18 Instructions GD0
Testing and Commissioning
These are the most important operations, designed to guarantee the
maximum safety and reliability of the automation system.
The testing procedure can also be used as a periodic check of the
devices that make up the automation.
The testing and commissioning operations must be performed by
qualified and experienced personnel who must establish what
tests should be conducted based on the risks involved, and veri-
fy the compliance of the system with applicable regulations, leg-
islation and standards, in particular with all the provisions of EN
standard 12445 which establishes the test methods for sectional
and overhead door automation systems.
Selecting the type of operating cycle
Figure 65
1 Make sure that the provisions contained in chapter 1 “WARN-
INGS” have been carefully observed.
Using the selector switch (if provided) or the radio transmitter, test the
opening and closing of the door and make sure that the door moves in
the intended direction.
The test should be carried out a number of times to make sure that the
door moves smoothly, that there are no points of excessive friction and
that there are no defects in the assembly or adjustments.
Check the proper operation of all the safety devices, one by one (pho-
tocells, sensitive edges, etc.). In particular, each time a device is activat-
ed the “ECSBus” LED on the control unit flashes for a longer time, con-
firming that the control unit recognizes the event.
To check the photocells (if provided) pass a 5 cm diameter, 30 cm long
cylinder on the optical axis, first near TX, then near RX and finally at the
mid-point between them and make sure that in all these cases the device
is triggered, switching from the active to the alarm status and vice-versa;
finally, that it causes the intended action in the control unit, for example
that it causes the reversal of the movement during the closing manoeu-
Measure the impact force according to EN standard 12445. If “motor
force” control is used to assist the system for the reduction of the impact
force, try to find the adjustment that gives the best results.
Ensure that the entire mechanism is correctly adjusted and that the
automation system inverts the manoeuvre when the door collides with a
50 mm high object on the floor.
Ensure that the automation prevents or blocks the opening manoeuvre
when the door is loaded with a mass of 20 Kg, fixed in the middle of the
doors lower edge.
Figure 66