76-02-105 Rev.B
Page 56 of 80 Test Duration (L2/L3)
The basic test simply sends constant rate test traffic for a specified time. The test
duration defines the test time.
The test duration may be defined in several ways, with multipliers, (m=minutes,
h=hours, d= days) available to ease entry as shown below
30 Seconds
60, 1m
60 Seconds or 1 minute
10 Minutes
60m, 1h
60 minutes or 1 hour
12 hours
24h, 1d
24 hours or 1 day
The display will always use the long form notation dd:hh:mm:ss Start / Stop Test
The multi-function Start / stop button will either start a test running, or stop a
currently running test.
Once started, a test will run for the defined duration and then stop automatically.
It should only be necessary to actually stop a test manually if it is clear that the
network is not performing as expected and SLA parameters need adjustments. Test Progress
The test progress screen gives access to all the relevant test statistics that allow the
network performance to be observed.
For example, the screen shows the transmit and receive frame counts and
bandwidths along with lost frames and measured latency.
Viewing this screen will allow you to quickly determine whether the network is
performing as expected or the SLA parameters may need some adjustments.
The test progress screen is shown below: