Making measurements from the trace
VI - 34
Virtual digital oscilloscopes, 60 MHz
Making measurements from the trace (continued)
a) General
on a channel
These measurements are made on the channel selected as reference
(see above).
This function is activated: either using the
button on the tool bar, or
from the 'Measurement’ menu:
It opens a new window called 'Auto measurements’:
By default the measurements are made on all the acquired points
(50 000 points) for the channel in question each time the
SCOPEin@BOX_LE application requests the transfer of curves.
However, if the manual cursors are active the measurements are
made using all the samples acquired in the interval determined by
cursors 1 & 2.
A message ‘Measurements between cursors’ appears in the window:
For a greater precision in the displayed measurements:
1. Represent at least two complete signal periods.
2. Prefer the "Triggered" acquisition mode rather
than "Automatic" (to avoid the artificial triggering related to this
mode with slow signals).
3. Choose the calibre and the vertical position in order to represent
the peak to peak amplitude of the signal to be measured on 4 to 7
divisions of the screen.
4. If the signal allows (repetitive signal), the introduction of
acquisition averaging will refine the measurements by reducing
the noise effects on the measured signal.
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