Metacom MC601 Router
Page 22
User Manual
3.5 Firewall panel
This panel contains all the firewall related settings. The firewall is based on Linux’s netfilter and
iptables which allows the user to create rules for the packet filtering (both inbound and outbound)
and NAT modules. The firewall is a stateful firewall which allows connection tracking. In the current
version the LAN ports are both deemed to be trusted meaning that any traffic originating from them
may pass to and through the router. This might change in future versions.
3.5.1 Firewall status
Firewall status
Current state of the firewall: Disabled or Enabled
Firewall Active
Setting this will enable the firewall the next time the service is restarted.
Default masquerading rule
Only available from version l2tp-20080218-2205.
If selected a default masquerading rule on ppp0 is executed when the firewall is inactive. On the
Metacom APN this lets any attached PCs on the Ethernet ports have access to the internet.
Restart the service
Disables or enables the firewall.
If the firewall is disabled, there will still be a default firewall in place. This will be the
Only the IPs on the Management panel may connect to the router.
A masquerading rule might be added that allows a PC on the LAN port to access the
Any already established connections are allowed over the WAN interface.
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