Metacom MC601 Router
Page 15
User Manual
3.4.2 DHCP server settings
Dynamic host control protocol or DHCP provides a mechanism for allocating IP addresses
dynamically so that addresses can be reused. DHCP can only be activated on LAN1 and a maximum
of 255 addresses are supplied (last octet is only changed).
DHCP active
DHCP will only be started if this checkbox is selected.
Only from version l2tp-20080218-2206
DHCP Lease Period
Specifies the number of seconds until the IP address lease expires. When this occurs, the client can
ask the server to renew the lease. If the DHCP server doesn't hear from the client beyond the
expiry of the lease period, it will put that address back in the pool ready to be re- used.
Start Address
The last octet in the LAN1 IP address that is used as the first IP in the DHCP address pool.
Number of hosts
Number of IPs in the pool starting at LAN1 with the last octet being the start address above.
Entering a 0 here will de-activate DHCP.
Remember: Every network has 2 reserved addresses: broadcast (all bits are set) and the network
(host number is set to 0).
Restart the service
Restarts the DHCP service.
Stores the settings on the device and restarts the DHCP service if selected.
Reverts the settings back to their original values.
In pre l2tp-20080218-2206 versions the DHCP server could not be deactivated.
Cellular Continuum Series
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