Metacom MC601 Router
Page 13
User Manual
3.4 Network configuration panel
This panel contains all the network related WAN and LAN settings.
3.4.1 Network settings
LAN IP Address eth0
The IP address of the LAN1 ethernet port on the back of the router.
LAN Network Mask eth0
The network mask of the LAN1 ethernet port. E.g.
LAN IP Address eth1
The IP address of the LAN2 ethernet port on the back of the router.
LAN Network Mask eth1
The network mask of the LAN2 ethernet port. E.g.
Enable eth1
The LAN2 port will only be enabled if this checkbox is selected.
Primary DNS Server
Primary DNS server on the WAN. E.g.
Secondary DNS Server
Backup DNS server on the WAN. E.g.
Restart the service
If checked the network will be re-initialised with the above settings and the routing table updated.
The DNS IPs will be inserted into the /etc/resolv.conf file. Please make sure you restart the firewall
if any of these settings have been changed.
This will write the settings to the flash and restart the service if it has been selected.
e.g. sample output when changing the LAN IP address:
updating lan_ipaddress to [OK]
Applying Changes....
Processing variables [OK]
Committed Changes [OK]
Restarting Network
Cellular Continuum Series
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