Docking Station Set Up Manual 83529-9800 Rev A
Page 9
WiFi Setup and Configuration
The WiFi on the Docking Station will need to be connected to the local network where it
is used. This section covers the initial setup and configuration of the WiFi. Valid
credentials for a WiFi network in range and either a computer or smartphone that can
connect to that network must be used to configure the Docking Station.
1. Move the WiFi/Ethernet switch on the rear of the Docking Station to WiFi.
2. After powering on the Docking Station, the WiFi interface will generate a local
network that allows the user to connect to the Docking Station and configure the
3. On a WiFi enabled computer or smartphone search for an open WiFi network
that st
arts with “ESP_” and connect to the network.
4. On the connected device open a web browser and go to IP address
Figure 6 - Web browser with IP address
5. Navigate to the Wi
Fi Station tab and click “Switch to STA+AP Mode” so that the
Docking Station can scan for networks in the area.
Figure 7 WiFi Station tab