© 2009 Merten by Schneider Electric
Push-button, 4-gang plus with room temperature control unit and IR receiver
Multifunction with RTCU and FanCoil 1817/1.0
Multifunction application with RTCU and FanCoil 1817/1.0
Function overview
This application provides you with the following func-
• Temperature control with various display options
• Scene function
• Disable function for push-buttons
• Time control
• Valve control
• Push-button functions
All buttons can be assigned different functions inde-
pendently. You can do the following:
• Switch and toggle
• Dim
• Control blinds
• Save and retrieve scenes
• Select a linear regulator function
• Save edge functions
• Adjust setpoints
• Access operation modes and toggle between them
The status LEDs can also be utilised independently of
one another and in a wide variety of ways.
Group addresses
Group addresses are managed dynamically. Maximum
number of group addresses and assignments: 254 ad-
dresses, 255 connections
Notes on this documentation
This application enables you to implement a multitude
of functions with the push-button. However, which func-
tions are possible in each individual case depends on
the KNX devices being controlled (e.g. dimming actua-
tors, switch actuators etc.). The functions described
here therefore show only the settings for this push-but-
Many parameters and their settings are depend-
ent on the settings you have already made for oth-
er parameters. This means that some parameters
will appear or disappear and the values available
for selection will change according to settings you
have already made. These dependencies have
not been shown in the table for reasons of clarity.
All settings are always shown.
Configurable times (staircase timer, ON delay,
OFF delay, cyclic intervals etc.) are set via the
base and factor parameters. The actual time is giv-
en by the multiplication of the two values. Exam-
ple: Base = 1 second * factor = 3 gives 3 seconds.
values in a table are the values set dur-
ing factory configuration.
Before you start, specify certain basic settings on the
"General" tab. You can specify the following:
• Whether the operational LED switches off or displays
that the device is operating.
• Whether a push-button emits a sound when activated.
• Which remote control IR range (infrared range) the
push-buttons react to.
• How the date and time are received.
• Whether and how the time is sent cyclically to the bus.
• How long the push-button's start-up delay should be
after bus voltage recovery.
General settings for date and time
Here you set whether the date and time are received by
two communication objects (3 byte each) or by only one
communication object. In the latter case, there is an
8 byte object available.
If you send the time cyclically to the bus, you either have
an output object with 3 byte or one with 8 byte, depend-
ing on which format you selected.
For further details about time control, synchronisation
and the master-slave function, see the "Time control"
Multifunction application with RTCU and
FanCoil 1817/1.0
Basic settings
Switch on operational LED
Switch on acoustic push-button
IR range
IR range 1-10
IR range 11-20
IR range 21-30
IR range 31-40
IR range 41-50
Push-button 1/2
IR channel 1/2
, 11/12, 21/22,
31/32, 41/42
Push-button 3/4
IR channel 3/4
, 13/14, 23/24,
33/34, 43/44
Push-button 5/6
IR channel 5/6
, 15/16, 25/26,
35/36, 45/46
Push-button 7/8
IR channel 7/8
, 17/18, 27/28,
37/38, 47/48
Left / right menu button =
IR channel 9/10
, 19/20, 29/30,
39/40, 49/50
Receive date and time
In one communication object
In two communication objects
Send time cyclically
Every minute
Every hour
Format of sent time
Date/time format (8 byte)
Time format (3 byte)
Device's start-up delay in s (0-255) 2-255,