The READY LED blink once per
second when it is working normally,or
it will blink faster or be off in case
Broadband Router is something wrong.
WAN Indicators
Act/Link :
Link ON means WAN (ADSL/Cable
modem) is connected to Broadband
Act (activity):
Blinking means data communication
is in progress .
If the LED is continuously illuminated,
it means WAN device is successfully
connected or Broadband Router
WAN port is working now.
Indicates 10 or 100Mbps wire speed
corresponding to WAN port. (On is 100Mps)
FDX/COL FDX (Full Duplex Mode):
On means the current connection is
on full duplex mode.
COL (Collision)
Blinks means connection
experiences collisions.
WAN port is NIC card type pin assignment, This
means WAN port could connect a HUB device directly orconnect
a PC with a crossover cable. (Please refer to Appendix C-1 to