Climate control
Introduction of the New E-Class Coupé, Model Series 207
The upper portion of the operating units is sepa-
rated from the display by a chrome bar and consists
of a row of pushbuttons. Above each button is the
associated function LED. In contrast to the two-
zone automatic air conditioning, vehicles with
three-zone comfort automatic air conditioning are
fitted with an additional function key marked
"REST". The row of buttons is mainly used to
operate functions that are switched on and off.
A new button in the row is the "ZONE" button.
Pressing this button resets all the front passenger's
custom air conditioner settings to the driver's
settings and the associated LED indicator above the
button goes out. In vehicles with THERMOTRONIC,
this also resets the temperature settings in the rear
passenger compartment. If a setting for the
passenger side or in the rear is changed, this is
shown by the lighting of the LED indicator above the
"ZONE" button.
Vehicles equipped with three-zone comfort auto-
matic air conditioning have a separate AC operating
unit installed in the rear compartment in addition to
the left/right separation. The rear AC operating
unit is installed at the end of the center console and
is used to regulate the temperature in the rear
compartment of the vehicle.
Rear AC operating unit
THERMOTRONIC three-zone automatic air conditioning
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