: Label all wires prior to disconnection when servicing controls. Wiring errors can cause improper and dan-
gerous operation” and “Verify proper operation after servicing.”
: Au moment de l’entretien des commandes, étiquetez tous les fils avant le débranchement. Des erreurs de
blage peuvent entra
un fonctionnement inadéquat et dangereux.”
S’assurer que l’appareil fonctionne
adéquatement une fois l’entretien terminé.
The following procedures must be performed each year by a Mendota approved service person. NOTE: Any adjust-
ments to burner, pilot or logs must be done by a qualified Mendota service person.
A. Replace backup batteries at least 2 times annually. Replace them when the Day Light Savings Time changes.
B. Clean all lint and dust build-up around the control. Inspect the condition of any wiring under the burner for
melting or damage.
C. Remove logs & coals and clean away any foreign matter (lint, Carbon, etc.) on the burner and logs. Be sure
the burner ports are "open". Clean the pilot and under side of the logs for any Carbon deposits. NOTE: Logs
should be visually checked for Carbon "build-up". If carbon deposits are visible on logs, unit should be turned
off and Mendota service person contacted. Be sure logs are re-installed per instructions.
D. Check condition of glass door gasket, gasket must seal tightly over firebox, replace if necessary.
E. Periodically check to verify that the vent system and vent cap are open and free of blockage.
F. Before re-installing glass, have qualified service person check the operation of the pilot
The viewing glass should be cleaned periodically
Exterior glass surface may be cleaned with cleaner as desired.
To clean Interior glass surface, use Kel Kem
“polish plus" (part # 65-06-00455) or comparable product. Do not use
oven cleaner or abrasive cleaners to clean glass. Do not clean when glass is hot.
H. Periodic visual check of pilot flames and the pilot ignition spark system is required. Pilot lighting Spark must origi-
nate on Pilot Spark Rod Tip and end at Pilot Hood every time the system initiates a spark. Pilot flame must ignite
within 5 sparks once gas flows out of pilot hood. Pilot Flame must be at least 1-inch long and must overlap Flame
Sensor and burner ignition ports at all times.
Periodic visual check of main burner’s rear and front flames is required.