Functional Description
MEN Mikro Elektronik GmbH
20A014-00 E2 – 2007-08-16
The board is equipped with the MPC8540 PowerQUICC III processor, which
includes a 32-bit PowerPC e500 core, the integrated host-to-PCI bridge, Ethernet
controllers and UARTs.
The PowerQUICC III is a versatile one-chip integrated microprocessor and
peripheral combination that can be used in a variety of controller applications,
excelling particularly in communications and networking products. The
PowerQUICC III provides high performance in all areas of device operation,
including great flexibility, extended capabilities, and high integration.
The PowerQUICC III architecture integrates two processing blocks. One block is a
high-performance embedded e500 core. With 256 KB of Level 2 cache, the e500
core implements the enhanced PowerPC Book E instruction-set architecture and
provides unprecedented levels of hardware and software debugging support. The
second block is the Communications Processor Module (CPM). The CPM of the
PowerQUICC III can support three fast serial communications controllers (FCCs),
two multichannel controllers (MCCs), four serial communications controllers
(SCCs), one serial peripheral interface (SPI), and one I2C interface.
The PowerQUICC III also offers two integrated 10/100/1000 Ethernet controllers, a
DDR SDRAM memory controller, and a 64-bit PCI controller. This high level of
integration helps simplify board design and offers significant bandwidth and
performance for high-end control-plane and data-plane applications.
Thermal Considerations
The CPU generates around 8 W of power dissipation when operated at 800 MHz.
To meet thermal requirements a suitable heat sink must be attached to the CPU and
sufficient airflow must be provided.
MEN provides a suitable heat sink to meet thermal requirements for the board.
Note: MEN gives no warranty on functionality and reliability of the A14C if you
use any other heat sink than that supplied by MEN. Please contact either
MEN directly or your local MEN sales office!