CPU fault on the computer or an outside influence altering the program in
the processor.
Solenoid valves or air components are sticking and need lubrication or
To check the sensor, disconnect the small sensor tubing from the bottom of the control panel.
Attach a regulator, with a good gauge, directly to the fitting for the sensor to be tested (1/4” ID
tubing slips over this fitting nicely). With the gauge reading 0 psi, use the Manual Override
mode to monitor pressures. It should read 0 psi and match the gauge. Repeat this procedure at
10 and 15 psi and note any differences in pressure readings. If the gauge reads 0 psi and the
sensor shows any pressure above 0.2 psi, it is very likely that the sensor has been over
pressurized and needs to be replaced. If the gauge shows 10 or 15 psi and the sensor continues to
read 0 psi, this indicates that the sensor is plugged or has failed. The sensor should be carefully
rinsed out with warm water and allowed to air dry before checking again. If you have any
questions or suspect that a pressure sensor has failed, contact Meheen Manufacturing.
The only item which can be lubricated with grease on the machine is the fill head carriage
cylinders. These cylinders act as slides for the fill head carriage. The carriage slide blocks
have grease fittings on the outside of each block. These cylinders should be lubricated on a
regular schedule; approximately every 20,000 cases produced or sooner. Caution should be
exercised to avoid over greasing of the slides.
The moisture collection bowl under the machine should be drained at least once per day if it
is not equipped with automatic draining. This prevents moisture from being carried through
the pneumatic systems, causing damage or faulty operation of the machine. After each use,
the bottling machine should be thoroughly cleaned, removing beer and foreign material.
Even though all the air valves and cylinders on the bottling machine are permanently
lubricated, we still recommend occasional lubrication. Disconnect the air line from the
moisture separation bowl located under the machine and place a few drops of light machine
oil or air tool oil in the line and reassemble the connection. When air is connected to the
machine, the oil will be carried throughout the valves and cylinders.
Occasionally spray the in-feed ramp and bottle indexer along with the portion of the main deck
immediately at the bottom of the in-feed ramp with a high quality 100% pure silicon spray
lubricant. This will help keep the bottles feeding properly.