Auto cleaning does a good job of rinsing the internal parts of the bottling machine and leaves it
relatively clean; however, we recommend extra cleaning be performed on a regular basis to
ensure good quality of your beverages and to avoid contamination. For this cleaning the filling
head, distribution manifold and fill tubes should be removed from the machine and washed in a
warm caustic or PBW solution which will remove protein and other contaminates from internal
surfaces. The frequency of this type of cleaning will depend on the beverages and amount of use,
as well as the cleaning requirements of your facility.
With the machine turned off, and all product lines, air, CO
and electricity disconnected,
disconnect the pressure sensor hose and the clamps and hoses connected to the bottom of the
manifold. Remove the liquid manifold by removing the two bolts that secure it to the frame.
Loosen or remove the screws for the tubing support clamps on the front of the filling head
carriage. Then, disconnect the tubing from the front of the filling head by pressing in on the
fitting collar while pulling the tubes out. Remove the filling head from the carriage by
removing the two bolts that secure it to the carriage.
Remove the silicone filling tubes from the stainless steel filling tubes and discard them.
Remove the filling tubes from the filling head carefully to avoid bending them. Remove
rubber bottle seals.
Place the manifold, filling head and filling tubes in a container with the cleaning solution.
Cleaning solution may be circulated with the sanitizing pump provided the operating
temperatures and cleaning solution used is compatible with the pump specifications. If the
sanitizing pump is used to circulate cleaners, be cautious and take all safety precautions to
avoid being splashed by hot cleaners.
After cleaning is complete, rinse all parts thoroughly with water to remove all cleaner and
reassemble the machine. Always flush the inner surface of the crowning heads thoroughly
with water to remove any residual beverage deposits which may cause contamination.