Pinpointing Cable Faults in “Digiphone” Mode
Procedure for fault detection
Tracing the Line
After prelocation, it is usually relatively easy to narrow down where the fault lies in the
If, however, the area is large because the cable plans are inaccurate, we recommend
that you trace the cable with a line location device before pinpointing, and mark its route.
On the other hand, if the area for pinpointing is not too large, all you normally need to do
is find a starting position directly over the cable and start pinpointing from here. Please
proceed as follows:
Step Action
Place the sensor on the ground with the arrow pointing in the direction where you
believe the cable to be running.
Wait until the indicator unit signals the arrival of the magnetic pulse.
If the green cable compass is not displayed at all or jumps back and forth
sporadically, the signal strength is not yet sufficiently high to reliably measure the
position of the line.
In this case, try to improve the signal strength by rotating the sensor around its
own axis or moving slowly in different directions. You should do this until the
green cable compass is visible and stays in the same position permanently.
Indicates that a magnetic
pulse has arrived
Field strength of the
magnetic pulse
Maximum marker