Pinpointing Cable Faults in “Digiphone” Mode
When background noise reduction (see page 27) is switched on, the software gathers
and analyses information about the interference and signal level. After the first surge
pulse from the fault arrives, this information is used to suppress the background noise.
Further information is gathered with each additional pulse and the reduction is
constantly improved. The longer therefore the operator stays at a position with the
sensor receiving pulses, the less audible the interference becomes.
Each time the sensor is moved, the information gained about the background noise is
discarded. After each position change, the level analysis starts afresh when the first
surge pulse arrives.
The current status is indicated by a symbol on the top of the display (assuming
background noise reduction is enabled in the device settings).
After the sensor is moved, there is no
information to analyse yet. Background
noise reduction is not in operation.
Information collected is being used to
reduce background noise.
How staying in one
position affects
background noise