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BalanceTutor user manual 200824.doc
1 Safety, Warnings, Precautions, Prohibitions
Read the whole manual before use.
Consult a doctor before using this device.
Only one person at a time to use BalanceTutor.
Do not use walk aid devices like stick or walker with the device.
Use only with appropriate clothing and training shoes.
Incorrect and/or forbidden use and/or overtraining can lead to serious injury or even death.
If you feel close to fainting, the training has to be stopped immediately.
If you feel sick or dizzy, stop training immediately and consult a doctor.
Always warm up fully at walking speed before starting to run.
Any kind of BalanceTutor operation including patient treatment must be carried out by only
trained therapist/ doctor certified by MediTouch Company.
Use at own risk - the manufacturer is not liable for damage.
Anyone not involved in the training session must keep at least a safe distance of 2 meters
away from any part of the system.
Don’t use any system/additional part/accessory which has not been installed or checked by
BalanceTutor must only be used after equipment verification according to user manual.
Do not start or carry out training if abnormal operation detected. If an abnormal operation
occurs during a session stop the session immediately by the emergency stop switch or by the
software in the operators display panel.
Before start of any treatment on the BalanceTutor wear the safety harness on the patient and
confirm patient is secured, safe and ready to start a treatment or a session.
The BalanceTutor is approved for use with a maximum body weight of 135 kilograms.
Heavier patients must not be trained with the BalanceTutor.
Make sure, before releasing the user from the harness belt, the treadmill and the perturbation
mode are not active and no automatic software program is in progress.
If there are faults or abnormal or if there is evidence of damage (e.g. unusual sounds), the
training session must be stopped immediately and a MediTouch authorized technician must
be informed without delay.
In the event of a power failure the user must be lowered using the emergency release. Do not
continue training until proper operation is guaranteed.