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BalanceTutor user manual 200824.doc
4.3.8 Reports
Reports of walking ability standing ability and postural analysis can be generated by clicking on the
appropriate label in the top icons. These reports can be printed or saved as pdf files. A suite of
validated functional balance evaluations and a gait assessment function has been incorporated into
the BalanceTutor system. This functionality allows the therapist to generate and record validated
measures to determine, record and report on the client's reactive response ability, gait and walking
standing and balance ability.
These powerful assessments allow the therapist to establish a baseline showing the patient's
functional ability at a given time during Physical therapy. This baseline measurement will allow the
therapist to gain an objective insight into an individual's balance and gait deficits and a better
understanding of the importance of these deficits to functional ability and the performance of
activities of daily living.
In addition the evaluations provide functional measures that are helpful in predicting the benefit that
patients may expect to receive from therapeutic intervention with reactive response training.
Furthermore, by comparing evaluations during follow up treatments sessions the therapist can
demonstrate and report on improvements in the patient's balance and gait ability. Therefore these
objective measures allow the therapist to better customize reactive response training and improve
balance and gait ability.