Take the readings every day at the same time following the procedure described
in this manual and know your normal blood pressure.
Many measurements provide a more complete picture of the history of blood
Make sure that you always note the date and time when measuring your blood
pressure. Consult your doctor to interpret your blood pressure data.
5. Precautions before each use
If you are taking medication, consult your doctor to determine the best
time to measure your blood pressure. Never change a prescribed medica
tion without first consulting your doctor.
For individuals having irregular or unstable peripheral circulation problems
cause by diabetes, liver disease, hardening of the arteries, etc., the blood
pressure may vary at the upper arm and the wrist.
The measurements can be affected if the device is used near televisions,
microwave ovens, X-ray machines, mobile phones or other devices that
emit strong electrical fields. To avoid such interferences, use the blood
pressure monitor at an adequate distance from such devices or switch off
those devices.