EasyOne Pro™ / EasyOne Pro™ LAB
Contraindications to Performing DLCO Tests
EasyOne Pro™ LAB
Components and Functional Description
of EasyOne Pro™
EasyOne Pro™ Flow Sensor Design and Operation
Start-up and Initial Preparation
Unpacking, Environmental Conditions
Connecting the Keyboard and the Mouse
Inserting the One-Way Valve, DLCO barriette™/
FRC barriette™ and spirette™
Switching the Device On, Functional Test
Forced Vital Capacity (FVC/FVL)
Maximum Voluntary Ventilation (MVV)
FRC Test (EasyOne Pro™ LAB only)
Retrieving/Printing Stored Tests
Quality Messages and Quality Grades
FVC/FVL Quality Messages and Quality Grades
SVC Quality Messages and Quality Grades