Hardware User Guide
MediaTek Confidential
2020 MediaTek Inc.
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System overview
General Description
MT3620 is a highly integrated single chip tri-core MCU designed to meet the requirements of modern,
robust internet-connected devices. It leverages the Microsoft Codename 4x4 security architecture to
provide an unprecedented level of security to connected device manufacturers. For the lifetime of the
device the Codename 4x4 system provides device authentication and attestation, supports remote over-
the-air software updates to maintain security in the face of evolving attacks, and automates error logging
and reporting. Please refer to the “Codename 4x4 Platform Overview” document from Microsoft for
more information.
MT3620 features an application processor subsystem based on an ARM Cortex-A7 core which runs at
up to 500MHz. The chip also includes two general purpose ARM Cortex-M4F I/O subsystems, each of
which runs at up to 200MHz. These subsystems were designed to support real-time requirements when
interfacing with a variety of on-chip peripherals including UART, I2C, SPI, I2S, and ADC. They are
completely general-purpose Cortex-M4F units which may be tailored to specific application
requirements. On-chip peripherals may be mapped to any of the three end-user accessible cores,
including the CA7.
In addition to these three end-user accessible cores, MT3620 contains a security subsystem with its own
dedicated CM4F core for secure boot and secure system operation. There is also a Wi-Fi subsystem
controlled by a dedicated N9 32-bit RISC core. This contains a 1x1 dual-band 802.11a/b/g/n radio,
baseband and MAC designed to support both low power and high throughput applications without
placing computational load on the user-accessible cores.
MT3620 also includes over 5MB of embedded RAM, split among the various cores. There is a fully-
integrated PMU and a real-time clock. Flash memory is integrated in the MT3620 package. Please refer
to the “Codename 4x4 MT3620 Support Status” document from Microsoft for information about how
much memory and which hardware features are available to end-user applications. Only hardware
features supported by the Codename 4x4 system are available to MT3620 end-users.