MediaTek LinkIt™ Smart 7688 Developer's Guide
© 2015, 2016 MediaTek Inc.
Page 20
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Figure 7 LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo development board (MPU + MCU)
The buttons description on LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo and how to use them are described in Table 6.
Resets the MPU
MPU Reset Button
One press
Resets the MCU
MCU Reset Button
One press
Enters MCU boot
loader mode
(Timeout after 8
MCU Reset Button
Two presses within
750 milliseconds
Resets Wi-Fi to AP
Wi-Fi Reset Button
After the board is
boot up, press the
button for at least 5
seconds and release
Factory resets and
enters AP mode
WARNING: Restore
to default setting
and all user data
will be removed
from the device
Wi-Fi Reset Button
After the board is
boot up, press the
button for at least 20
seconds and release