MediaTek LinkIt™ Smart 7688 Developer's Guide
© 2015, 2016 MediaTek Inc.
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Arduino programming through Arduino IDE, as shown in Figure 52. Depending on different
applications and approaches in programming, three scenarios are listed for your reference for
building your software system.
Figure 52 LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo Hardware Architecture
Scenario #1: Through primitive UART connection
Since MT7688 and ATmega32U4 are connected through a UART port, you can issue commands
from the application written in Python, Node.js, or C through the UART channel to the MCU side, as
shown in Figure 53. On the MCU side, you implement the codes to interpret commands from MPU
and perform corresponding actions by accessing sensor drivers.
Figure 53 Software architecture
Scenario #2: Through Firmata protocol
In the above scenario #1, you’ll need to implement the commands on the UART channel; this
provides the most general, flexible and powerful way to realize the interaction between MPU and
MCU. However, this also means you need to do the programming on both MPU and MCU side,
which might increase the complexity for the software development.
In order to reduce the complexity of the UART command implementation, Firmata protocol is
proposed as a solution. Firmata is a communication protocol between a MCU and a MPU and many
Firmata implementations has been used to date. Therefore, those whom are familiar with MPU