For users familiar with the product, the LPI camera functions in a manner similar to the Meade Pictor 201XT
CCD Autoguider.
An autoguider helps keep an object centered so that a 35mm camera can take long exposures of an image.
Note that you do not have to set the LPI camera for a long exposure using Exposure controls (2). Autoguiding is
used typically with telescope mounted in the equatorial mode, although it can also be used with LX200GPS
Telescope mounted in the alt/az mode.
To use the LPI camera as an autoguider, perform the following procedure. You will need an
off-axis guider
Meade General Catalog
for more information) and the
supplied serial cable
that is appropriate for your
model telescope. You will also need to know the
focal length of your telescope
Attach the off-axis guider and your 35mm camera to your
telescope as described in that product’s instruction manual. Insert
and tighten the LPI imager into the eyepiece holder.
Go to the Object box and choose “Autoguide” from the list.
Attach one end of the serial cable to one of your PC’s comm ports and the
other end to the telescope’s RS-232 port.
Select the Comm port number from Comm Port box.
Click the Chk Scope button. If there is an error (cable, version, port, etc.), an error
message displays. Check to make sure your cable is properly attached, that you have the correct port
number selected and so forth. If the telescope connection is verified, you will receive a “passed” message.