Gain and Offset sliders (1)
: Similar to a TV set’s contrast and brightness controls. These controls are
automatically set after you pick an Object (10) type and click on the Auto Adj. button (3). Most users will seldom,
if ever, need to set these controls manually.
Auto Adj. button (3)
: Automatically sets the Gain and Offset controls(1) and the Exposure setting (2) for the
camera. Before taking pictures, choose an Object (10) type and click on the Auto Adj. button. This will adjust the
camera to give you the typical contrast and brightness you need to take pictures for the type of object you have
selected. You can further adjust the picture by adjusting the
Exposure (2)
Histogram sliders (19)
and focusing the telescope (see “
Magic Eye Focus,
” page 21, for more information).
Exposure setting (2)
: Use the spin buttons to change the camera exposure (either up or down) by increments of
0.5 f/stop.
Mono check box (4):
Check this box to take a black and white picture.
Status box (7):
Displays status of Automatic Adjustment control operations.
Live Image check box (5)
: Click to display live camera image in the Image Display (25).
Dark Sub check box (6)
: See “Dark Frames,” page 27, for more information.
Automatic Adjustment Controls