Technical Manual IP-Router SCN-IP100.01
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] •
The physical address assigned to the KNX IP Router determines whether the device operates as a line
or backbone coupler. If the physical address is in the form of x.y.0 (x, y: 1..15), the router operates as
a line coupler. If it is in the form of x.0.0 (x: 1..15), the router acts as a backbone coupler.
If the KNX IP Router is used as a backbone coupler (x.0.0), there must be no KNX IP Router in the
topology beneath it. For example, if a KNX IP Router has the physical address of 1.0.0, there must be
no KNX IP Router with the address 1.1.0.
If the KNX IP Router is used as a line coupler (x.y.0), there must be no KNX IP Router in the topology
above it. For example, if a KNX IP Router has the physical address of 1.1.0, there must be no KNX IP
Router with the ad-dress 1.0.0.
The KNX IP Router has a filter table and thus contributes to reducing bus load. The filter table is
automatically generated by the ETS.
Because of the speed difference between the Ethernet (10 Mbit/s) and KNX/EIB (9.6 kbit/s), a far
greater number of telegrams can be transmitted on IP. If several consecu-tive telegrams are
transmitted on the same line, they must be buffered in the router to avoid telegram loss. The KNX IP
Router has a memory for 150 telegrams (from IP to KNX/EIB).
2.2 Bus access function (KNXnet/IP Tunneling)
The KNX IP Router can be used as an interface to KNX/EIB. KNX/EIB can be accessed from any point in
the LAN. For this purpose, a second physical address must be assigned as described in the ETS
Connection Manager section.