Dynascan Manual (RT3005G) v_0611
Page 76
© Copyright Measurement Devices Limited
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Issue 1
Frequently Asked Questions
What if my frequency band for the RTK radio is different than the pod radio?
You can request the correct frequency band radio when ordering a new Dynascan system
to be compatible with your existing equipment. Alternatively you can use your own base RTK
radio and also your own mobile radio. You must then use the VRS cable connected to the IA
and attach the 9 pin D type end of the cable to the output of your radio. Your radio output
(serial interface settings) must be set to provide a CMR+ message at 115200 baud 8 N 1, as
this will feed directly into the GPS receiver inside the pod, which is also set to these
I am having problems getting the base RTK link data through to the pod and QINSy software
Check the following:
The base radio is compatible with the frequency band of the pod radio (e.g. 430-
The base radio and pod radio are set to the same bandwidth and same radio link
baud rate (e.g. 25KHz and 9600 baud)
Check the RTK base station GPS receiver output is set to the same baud rate as the
serial interface baud rate in the base station RTK radio
Check the pod radio serial interface baud rate is set to the same baud rate as the
pod GPS receiver (MDL pod is factory set to 38400)
Check the other radio parameters are the same for both the base and mobile radios.
Print out a copy for each radio and compare the information
If using a GNSS receiver with internal radio you must use the GNSS software to program
the radio and the RTK cable is not required
Why don’t I need to use the QPS 1 PPS interface box to provide a 1 PPS input to the laptop?
This box is no longer required as we now feed the 1 PPS from the GPS receiver directly into the
laser to produce time tagged data on a single Ethernet cable from the pod. This simplifies the
cable requirements from the pod and also at the computer. The latest version of QINSy is
now compatible with this revised setup used in Dynascan.