Dynascan Manual (RT3005G) v_0611
Issue 1
© Copyright Measurement Devices Limited
Copying of the materials in this document is prohibited
Page 33
Set Capture Method
There are two choices of capture method. It is best to select soft break and then with the
Dynascan system powered up click the
button and the software will automatically
scroll through the baud rates until it communicates with the radio and downloads the
If this method fails you can select the power on capture method which means you will have
to power up the system then disconnect the RTK cable before clicking on the
You will then have 10 seconds to connect the cable and the software will load the radio
Once you have loaded the radio settings you can change them to ensure they are
compatible with the RTK base station setup.
Please note the normal Pacific Crest PDL radios have a bandwidth of 25KHz, which cannot
be changed.
Once you have loaded the Radio settings confirm that the Frequency Range and Channel
Bandwidth are compatible with your GPS RTK Base Station.