Dynascan Manual (RT3005G) v_0611
Issue 1
© Copyright Measurement Devices Limited
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Page 31
N.B. You must type in the full Subnet mask also
RTK Radio programming
You may need to change the Pod radio settings in order to receive base RTK radio signals.
The laptop is loaded with Pacific Crest PDL or ADL software, which can be opened by
clicking on the desktop icon.
Before using the software you should connect the RTK cable (from the IA unit) to the laptop
by adding the serial to USB adaptor cable, supplied by MDL. When you click on the PDL or
ADL icon you will see a screen similar to the one below.
N.B. If the Pod contains an ADL radio you must set the sensitivity to low (base) for the radio to
work correctly (it is factory set to low)