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Copyright 2015 – PT17 / S150209
Ensure good wood-to-wood glueing surfaces
between the vertical stabilizer and fuselage
by removing the Mylar from the parts of the
horizontal stabizer that will be captured
inside this opening as pictured below.
Use 30 minute epoxy to secure the vertical
stabilizer into its opening in the fusealge.
Visually compare to ensure the vertical
stabilizer is at 90-degrees to the horizontal
Test-fit 2 CA-hinges between the rudder and
the vertical stabilizer above the predrilled opening in the rudder
for the rudder‟s control rod.
As shown at the
right, inside the
opening on the
right side of the
tail, test-fit the
rudder‟s pull-pull
control arm onto
the lower end of
the rudder‟s
control rod and
the lower end of the rudder‟s control rod into its opening in the „floor‟ of this opening.
Remove and temporarily set aside the rudder, its CA-hinges, and the rudder‟s pull-pull control arm.
Cut 2 lengths of 27
inch (70 cm) cable to use as rudder pull-pull cables from the longer supplied stranded steel cable.
Use crimp tubes to attach one cable to each end of the rudder‟s
pull-pull control arm.
Guide the free ends of these cables through the opening on the
right side of the tail and forward all the way into the cockpit area.
Position the rudder‟s control rod into its opening in the „floor‟ of
the compartment on the right side of the tail.
Align the rudder to the control arm and tighten the screw to secure the rudder‟s pull-pull control
arm to the rudder‟s control rod.
Insert a staight pin through the center of both of the rudder‟s CA hinges.
(NOTE: During assembly, these pins keep the CA hinges centered and
help to ensure there is enough space between the rudder and the vertical
stabilizer to allow the rudder to freely move to the left and right.)
Apply 5-minute epoxy to the end of the rudder‟s control rod.
Immediately guide the opening in the rudder on onto its control rod
and insert the CA hinges between the rudder and vertical stabilizer.
Apply CA adhesive to permanently attach the rudder to the vertical stabilizer. Remove the pins
from the CA hinges after the CA adhesive has fully polymerized.
Use your radio or a servo tester to center your rudder and elevator servos. (NOTE: You may learn
about servo testers at
Rudder’s control rod.
Rudder’s pull-pull control arm.