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Copyright 2015 – PT17 / S150209
You may opt to connect a UBEC to your flight battery or carry a
receiver battery to power your radio system. If you use a battery for your
radio system and if you are not using the optional cockpit dashboards:
Use scrap wood (such as popsicle sticks) to mount your radio-system‟s
power switch where it is easily accessible from inside either of the
cockpits. If you are using the optional cockpit dashboards: Test-fit
and glue each dashboard with epoxy. The rear dashboard‟s radio-
system voltage indicator is compatible only with 4 or 5 cell NiCd or
NiMH batteries. Connect your radio-system‟s battery and receiver to the
radio-system switch. (NOTE: Depending on your choice of location for
the receiver and battery, servo extensions may be needed between the
switch, receiver and/or battery; the dashboard‟s wiring also includes a
connector for charging your radio-system‟s battery.)
Test-fit both ailerons to their lower wing panels with CA hinges. Stick a
pin through the center of each of the aileron‟s CA hinges to keep them
centered as you push the control surfaces together. Leave space between
the ailerons and their wing panels so each aileron moves up and down
freely at least 1
-inches (38mm). Ensure the inner ends of the ailerons
do not bind against the cutouts in their adjoining wing panels.
Apply thin CA to permanently secure each aileron hinge to its wing panel
and aileron. Remove the pins after the CA adhesive has polymerized
Connect two(2) of your servos to a servo tester or to your radio and center both
servos for the ailerons. Disconnect the aileron servos and set aside your servo
tester or transmitter.
Test-fit your aileron ervos to the hatchplates, to the supplied pushrods and to the
Use 5-minute epoxy and a pair of hardwood blocks to mount an aileron servo to
each aileron servo hatchplate. (NOTE: To avoid splitting the hardwood blocks,
predrill the hardwood blocks to fit your servo‟s mounting pattern.) Using the servo
manufacturer‟s hardware, attach a servo arm to each aileron servo and an aileron
servo to each servo mounting hatchplate‟s mounting blocks, then attach each servo
and backplate assembly to its wing panel with glue or the provided screws.
Connect each aileron servo to an 8-inch
servo-wire extension. (We recommend
using an optional “servo extension
safety clip” at each connection.)
Use string or a length of straight coat
hanger wire and masking tape to pull
each extension‟s connector from the
servo well, through the wing, and to
the root of each wing panel as shown at
the right.
Optional cockpit
Optional cockpit