MAGPOWR Spyder-Plus-S1 Tension Control
MI 850A351 1 C
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Tuning Screens
Tuning allows the operator to optimize tuning parameters by using one button to destabilize the system and another
button to stabilize the system.
The system must be running in order to perform Tuning. A typical tuning
screen looks like this:
to reposition the dancer, if necessary. The position setpoint analog input is not active during tuning.
For setpoint source equal to Ethernet, the setpoint can be changed over Ethernet while in tuning mode. In addition
, the parameter being tuned can also be
. The number next to this letter is not the value of the parameter.
It is there to show the progress of the tuning. Its value can be between 00 and 99. 00 is displayed when that
parameter is as stable as it can be. To optimize press
until the system starts to become unstable. Then press
until stability is again obtained. When finished tuning press
to exit the screen. The web must be stopped in order
to exit to the
menu when the setpoint source is set to Analog.
Applies to Setpoint Source is Analog.
The position setpoint input is not active during tuning. The
keys are used to change dancer position instead. For this reason, the web must be stopped (Run/Stop = Stop) and
restarted (Run/Stop = Run) to exit the tuning screens. A screen is provided to warn the operator of this. Since
tuning cannot be done while the web is stopped, the Spyder automatically returns to the Tuning Menu when the
web is stopped. Make sure to set the position setpoint potentiometer to the midpoint before restarting after tuning.
Applies to Setpoint Source is Ethernet.
The position setpoint can always be changed during tuning
either by Ethernet or by the
keys. The dancer does not need to be stopped to exit the Tuning screens.
There is a table in section 9.6.6 showing default values of proportional, integrator, derivative, error limit and stop
torque ratio for each type control type.
7.6 TUNING (Dancer, Torque with diameter)
This is the tuning for the Dancer, Torque with Diameter dancer control.
The dancer position should be set to midpoint. Run the dancer system at a slow speed until the system is stabilized
to prevent breaking the web due to large oscillations. Make sure the parameters Core Diameter and Full Roll
Diameter and set before running the system.
Proportional gain and a minimum gain at core (called Stop Torque Ratio, Mc) are the only parameters requiring
tuning for most systems. In the parameters menu the proportional gain, integrator time, derivative time and stop
torque ratio are available to view and modify. See section 9.6.6 for defaults for these parameters.
This dancer control is a PID control with the integrator always active.
Navigate to the
menu and press
For a Dancer in Torque mode with diameter the following screen will be
The Spyder should be optimized at or near full roll first. Press
to optimize
at full roll.
The Spyder should be optimized at core only after it has been optimized at full roll. Press
to optimize Mc, (Stop
Torque Ratio) at core.
Содержание MAGPOWR Spyder-Plus-S1
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