Power Management
Default: Disabled
This item acts like a master switch for the power-saving modes and hard disk timeouts. If
this item is set to Max Saving, doze, standby, and suspend mode, will occur after a timeout
of 10 seconds. If this item is set to Min Saving, doze, standby, and suspend mode will
occur after a timeout of 4 hours. If the item is set to User Define, you can insert your own
timeouts for the power-saving modes.
PM Control by APM
Default: Yes
Windows 95 and 98 have built-in power management capabilities called APM (advanced
power management). When you enable this item, you allow the APM routines in Windows
to operate on your system.
Video Off Method
Default: DPMS
This item defines how the video is powered down to save power. As a default, this is set to
DPMS (display power management software).
Video Off After
Default: Standby
This option defines which level of power-saving mode is required in order to power down
the video display. As a default, the video powers down both in standby mode.
Modem Use IRQ
Default: 3
If you would like an incoming call on a modem to automatically resume the system from
suspend mode, use this item to specify the interrupt request line (IRQ) that is used by the
Doze Mode
Default: Disabled
If you have selected User Define for the Power Management item, you can set this item to
a selection of timeouts from 10 seconds to 4 hours.
Standby Mode
Default: Disabled
If you have selected User Define for the Power Management item, you can set this item to
a selection of timeouts from 10 seconds to 4 hours.
Suspend Mode
Default: Disabled
If you have selected User Define for the Power Management item, you can set this item to
a selection of timeouts from 10 seconds to 4 hours.
HDD Power Down
Default: Disabled
If you have selected User Define for the Power Management item, you can set this item to
a selection of timeouts from 1 to 15 minutes.
HDD Down When Suspend
Default: Enabled
If this item is enabled, the hard disk drive will automatically power down whenever the
system enters suspend mode.
Throttle Duty Cycle
Default: 62.5%
This item defines what percentage of time the system will halt the processor clock when it
is in power-saving mode.
PCI/VGA Act-Monitor
Default: Disabled
When this item is enabled, it means that any activity on the active monitor will restart the
Standby mode timeout counter.