Meter buttons
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3. Meter buttons
Used to enter the batch quantity to be dispensed.
Used to display the accumulated total of fluid dispensed as
well as the re-settable total during auto batch and manual
Used to enter and exit the manual or auto batch mode.
- Used in the manual mode to clear the dispensed quantity.
- Used in auto batch mode to clear the dispensed quantity and reset the meter for the
next batch.
- Used to reset the resettable total dispensed while pressing the TOTAL button.
Shut-off or stop
Used to stop the flow through an emergency override.
4. LCD display
1. Displays resettable total, accumulated total
and scale factor
2. Displays unit of measure
3. Arrows notify when in count up or count down
4. Preset batch quantity
5. History icon
6. AUTO is an indicator of being in EPM mode
7. Low battery icon