page 17
Pilot flame adjustment
The Pilot flame must be regulated for earthgas. This is done as follows:
Pilot flame ignite covering screw (10) with washer (11). Remove with small
screw driver, nozzle (C) adjust that main burner ignites well. Turn
Uclockwise reduce
gas flow,
anti clockwise increases
gas quantity.
When operated with liquid gas, nozzle (C) turn clockwise towards stroke.
After regulating washer (11) and covering screw (10) fix gas tight.
Primary air adjustment
The primary air is fixed and sealed by the producer and may not be touched.
The adjustment made by the producer applies to earth- and liquid gas.
The primary air opening in the mixing pipe (A) are always closed.
The primary air opening in the nut (B) on the front side of the burner is adjusted in
such a way that there is an opening of 15 mm (see drawing).
In case of a nozzle change (C) pay attention that the diameter is not changed. If
necessary a new adjustment must be done. There after nut mother (B) to be sealed
with laquer.
If necessary only slight corrections may be done.
After a conversion the following requirements must be fulfilled:
Nozzle diameter and pressure must be identical to the indication of the producer
The tightness of all gas pipes and parts must be secure
Ignition, through ignition, over ignition must be guaranteed for full combustion and small
combustion operation
The flame may not lift off nor beat back to the nozzles
All burners, ignition and control arrangements must be checked for dirt, secureness and function
The closing time of the thermo electric ignition control
may not exceed 60 seconds
Ater a conversion of a gas type has been carried out a new sticker must be placed on the appliance which
shows clearly the new gas type and gas pressure.