Masterclock
User
Manual
v2
–
2016.12
clockQuality.offsetScaledLogVariance
–
precalculated
value
set
at
factory,
ns
The
following
can
be
modified:
twoStepFlag
–
if
true,
two
step
is
enabled,
if
false,
one
step
is
used.
priority1
and
priority2
‐
Priority
is
one
of
several
parameters
used
to
determine
which
device
on
the
network
will
be
the
grandmaster.
The
lower
the
number,
the
higher
the
priority
with
priority
being
the
highest.
The
range
of
values
is
‐
255.
Priority
#1
is
used
early
in
the
grandmaster
selection
process.
Priority
#2
occurs
late
in
the
selection
process.
domain
number
‐
domain
consists
of
one
or
more
devices
communicating
with
each
other.
The
default
domain
for
devices
is
domain
“0”.
Multiple
domains
are
allowed
and
the
input
range
is
to
127.
All
devices
will
receive
all
packets
but
they
will
only
process
and
respond
to
packets
within
their
configured
domain
number.
slave
only
–
false,
this
device
can
become
the
grandmaster
(based
on
the
Best
Master
Clock
algorithm.
True,
this
device
can
only
be
a
slave.
2)
currentDS,
Current
Data
Set
No
members
can
be
modified.
Select
’x’
to
go
back
up
a
level,
‘?’
for
help
The
following
cannot
be
modified:
stepsRemoved
–
the
number
of
devices
between
this
device
and
the
master
starting
with
the
value
of
(this
device).
offsetFromMaster
–
calculated
time
difference
between
this
device
and
the
master.
meanPathDelay
–
calculation
of
the
network
path
delay
between
this
device
and
the
master
3)
parentDS,
Parent
Data
Set
No
members
can
be
modified.
Select
’x’
to
go
back
up
a
level,
‘?’
for
help
The
following
cannot
be
modified:
parentPortIdentity
–
identity
of
the
current
parent
parentStats
–
not
used
observedParentOffsetScaledLogVariance
–
not
used
observedParentClockPhaseChangeRate
–
not
used
grandmasterIdentity
–
identity
of
the
current
grandmaster
grandmasterClockQuality
‐
For
products,
see
previous
definition
in
the
default
data
set.
Non
‐
products
may
have
additional
values.
grandmasterPriority1
and
grandmasterPriority2
–
see
previous
definition
in
the
default
data
set.
4)
timepropertiesDS,
Time
Properties
Data
Set
Select
which
member
to
modify
(1
‐
4),
’x’
to
go
back
up
a
level,
‘?’
for
help
The
following
cannot
be
modified:
timeTraceable
–
true,
the
current
time
is
traceable.
False,
the
current
time
is
not
traceable.
frequencyTraceable
–
true,
the
current
frequency
is
traceable.
False,
the
current
frequency
is
not
traceable.