Mas Grup
4.1.1. Impeller
The impellers are designed such that they have 2 blades, with wide
cross-sectional areas and in the form of open impeller which allow the
passage of 18-76 mm diameter solid particles.
Pump Type
Diameter of Solid Particles
S 2”x2”
44,5 mm (1,75”)
S 3”x3”
63,5 mm (2,5”)
S 4”x4”
76 mm (3”)
S 6”x6”
76 mm (3”)
S 8”x8”
76 mm (3”)
S 10”x10”
76 mm (3”)
18 mm (0,75
Table 1:
Solid Particles
4.1.2. Bearing and Lubrication
Single or double ball bearings are used both motor and impeller side
bearings. These bearings are lubricated during installation in the factory.
Oil indicator must be monitored at regular intervals.
Pump Type
at the
impeller side
at the
motor side
S 2”x2”
6208 (SRBB)
6208 (SRBB)
S 3”x3”
6208 (SRBB)
6208 (SRBB)
S 4”x4”
6308 (SRBB)
3308 (DRBB)
S 6”x6”
6308 (SRBB)
3308 (DRBB)
S 8”x8”
3310 (DRBB)
3311 (DRBB)
S 10”x10”
3310 (DRBB)
3311 (DRBB)
SRBB: Single Row Ball Bearing DRBB: Double Row Ball Bearing
* UKM-50 series use bearings of the driver.
Table 2:
Bearing Types
4.1.3. Seals
In UKM-S type pumps, silicon carbide (SiC) surface mechanical seal
(Burgmann MG1) are used. Seal region is filled with liquid oil.
4.2. Construction of Pump Group
4.2.1. Drive
TEFC (Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled)
3 phase, squirrel caged, IM
1001B3 type electrical or diesel motor (along with belting if needed) which
complies with DIN EN 60034 IEC is used to drive the pump in proper
speed and power.
Specifications of electrical motor;
Isolation class
: F
Protection class
: IP 54-IP 55
: 50 Hz
Running type
: S1
Start up type
: Up to 4 kW, 3x380 V (Y)
More than 4 kW,
3x380V (Δ)+(Y/ Δ)
4.2.2. Coupling and Coupling Guard
In applications where the drive is with electrical motor, an elastic shaft
coupling in accordance with DIN 740 and in applications where the drive
is with diesel motor, a special coupling is used. A coupling guard is given
in accordance with EN 294 in case of the pump group includes the
coupling and chassis.
Pump can only be run with a guard in accordance with EN 294
according to safety instructions.
If there is no cover, it is provided by the operator.
4.2.3. Base Plate
It is manufactured from steel plate or U profile steel in accordance with
DIN 24259 in direct coupling applications.
In the case of belting drive, U profile is preferred.
Suction, discharge and all auxiliary fittings must be closed during
transport and storage. Dead-end covers must be removed while the pump
unit is being installed.
5.1. Transport
Pump and pump group must be carried safely to the installation location
by lifting equipments.
Current general lifting safety instructions must be applied. Please use a
suspension system shown in figure while you are carrying and lifting the
pump unit. The suspension rings may be broken because of the
excessive load and may result in a
damage of the pump. Prefer fabric
cable for suspension.
Figure 2-a:
Transport of Diesel Motor Coupled Pump Group
Figure 2-b:
Transport of Electrical Motor Coupled Pump Group
Incorrect lifting may damage the pump unit and cause injuries.