Event Trigger
• Two types of events are allowed.
• The falling event is when you pull down to ground, and the rising event is when you remove the
ground and the pin returns to normal high state.
• Falling events occurs only once and on the event of power up sequence.
• This means a falling event will occur only once regardless of whether its pin is repeatedly grounded
such as when selecting an input source.
• The rising event can only occur once a pin has been pulled down to ground to activate the command
such as turning on a tally releasing ground (open circuit) to turn off.
• Priority
• Lower pin number has higher priorities over higher pin numbers during power up sequence.
Tally System
Tally System can be used with non-separated mode and separated mode.
Non-separated mode
• Supports R/G/B tallies.
• Can mix any channels. FOR EXAMPLE: Mix Red and Green for Amber.
• Cannot mix R/G/B for White (It will be pink due to white balance).
• Cannot be assigned with separated tallies.
Left/Right Separated Mode
• Supports R/G/B tallies on each Left and Right.
• Can mix any channels for each Left and Right.
• Cannot mix R/G/B for White (It will be pink due to white balance).
• Cannot be assigned with non-separated tallies.
Format Display
This mode will display the video format information
for about 8 seconds whenever video format is changed.
- This mode will not display any video format
- This mode will always display current video
format information.
Pin 1 through Pin 8
The RJ-45 Remote connector on the rear panel has 8
pins. Pin 5 is Ground, while the remaining 7 pins are
pulled high to 3.3VDC and may be used for Tally or
other Remote Commands. A list of available
Commands and Tally configurations can be found in
the Menu Overview section of this manual. The
command or Tally is activated by connecting the
corresponding Pin (1-4 and 6-8) to Pin 5 (Ground).