Multi-Train System
The model is equipped with a factory-installed onboard de
coder for the LGB Multi-Train System. It can be used without
modifications on analog or digital layouts.
When operating with the Multi-Train System, the loco features
a “Back-EMF” function. This keeps the motor speed constant,
even when the load of the loco changes, for example, in cur-
ves or on grades. This feature does not work at top speed.
Attention when operating with the Multi-Train System!
When you connect an A unit that is facing in the opposite
direction (for example, the classic classic A-B-A combina-
tion), you have to reprogram the direction of travel of the
second locomotive. Otherwise, the locos move in opposing
directions. Reprogram Register CV 29 of the factory-installed
decoder to function value 5.
This model has a built-in speaker for use with the sound-
equipped LGB „B-units“. Connecting a B unit via the four-pin
socket on the rear wall activates the speaker on the A unit.
Then the sound is played by both locos.
Programming the Decoder
Numerous functions on the decoder can be programmed
individually. To do this, function values are programmed in
registers (Configuration Variables - CVs). You also can program
the function values with the 55015 Universal Remote Controller.
• For normal operation, it is not necessary to change the
function values.
• If programming results in unsatisfactory operation,
you can reprogram the factory pre-set values of most
important CVs: Program register CV 55 to function value
55. To reprogram the factory pre-set function values with
the 55015, select programming mode “P” (displays shows
“P --”). Then input 6, 5, and 5 and press the right arrow
button. The display shows “P --” again: Input 5, 5, and 5
and press the right arrow button again.