Rügen Steam Loco, 53 Mh
Between 1913 and 1925, the Vulcan
Locomotive Works built three locomoti-
ves for the Rügenschen Kleinbahnen
(Rügen Local Railways) on the Baltic
island of Rügen, where they operated as
51 Mh through 53 Mh. Powerful, rugged
and reliable, two of these locomotives
continue to pull passenger trains
through the picturesque fields and
forests of Rügen.
This detailed replica features:
- weather-resistant construction
- four-way power control switch
- protected gearbox with seven-pole
Bühler motor
- eight powered wheels
- one traction tire
- eight power pickups
- volume control
- voltage stabilization circuit
- smoke generator
- automatic directional lanterns
- one multi-purpose socket
To prevent staining during
shipping, the external drive linkages on
your new LGB locomotive were not lubri-
cated at the factory. For best operation,
lubricate the drive linkages including sli-
ding surfaces, valve guides and drive
rod ends with a small amount of LGB
Maintenance Oil (50019). A small supply
of LGB Oil (yellow) is included.
Operating Modes
This model has a four-way power con-
trol switch mounted inside the cab
(Fig. 1, 2):
Position 0: All power off
Position 1: Power to lights and smoke
Position 2: Power to lights, smoke gene-
rator and motor
Position 3: same as 2
If this model is equipped with a
decoder, the digital/analog DIP switches
on the loco circuit board will be set to
OFF. The DIP switches should remain in
this setting, even if the models are used
on an analog layout.
This model features directional lighting.
The model has a "flat" multi-purpose
socket, with a removable cover, on the
rear of the cab. This socket can be used
to provide track power to cars with
lighting or sound electronics.
To remove the cover of the socket, pull it
straight out. If the cover is tight, gently
use a small straight screwdriver to pry it
out. (Do not pull out the rectangular
outer housing.)
Smoke Generator
This model is equipped with a smoke
generator. A small supply of LGB Smoke
and Cleaning Fluid is included with this
model. For best operation, fill the gene-
rator halfway with fluid. If the generator
is overfilled, it will not convert the fluid
into smoke.
Only use LGB Smoke and
Cleaning Fluid (50010). Other fluids may
damage your locomotive.
Never touch the heating ele-
ment in the center of the smoke genera-
tor. It is fragile.
Power Supply
For safety and reliability, ope-
rate this model with LGB power supplies
(transformers, power packs and con-
trols) only. The use of non-LGB power
28004 Umbruch.qxp:28004 16.06.2009 14:02 Uhr Seite 3