Designed in Italy Assembled in China
RMS Cmpressor:
from this frame it is possible to set following parameters of the Main RMS Compressor...
“Drive”: the drive control is allowing to adjust the reference level to the Compressor input.
It is ranging from -12dB up to +6dB.
“Threshold”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Threshold is from +12dBu (OFF) to -18dBu in
steps of 0.1dBu
“Ratio”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Ratio is from 1:1 (Off) up to 100:1 (Lim) in steps of 1.
“Knee”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Knee type is from 000% (Hard) up to 100% (Soft)
“Attack”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Attack Time is from 1ms to 3sec in steps of 1ms -
from 1ms to 20ms then 10ms from 20ms to 100ms, then 100ms steps up to 3sec.
“Release”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Release Time is from 0.04sec to 3sec in steps of
0.01sec from 40ms up to 200ms, then 100ms from 200ms up to 3sec.
“Hold Time”: the selectable range of the RMS Compressor's Hold time is from 0.0sec to 10sec in steps of
Peak Limiter:
from this frame it is possible to set following parameters of the Main RMS Compressor...
“Limiter Threshold”: the selectable range of the Peak Limiter's Threshold is from +12dB (Limiter not active) to
-18.0dB in steps of 0.1 dB.
“Attack Time”: the selectable range of the Peak Limiter's Attack Time is from 1ms to 100ms in steps of 1ms -
from 1ms to 20ms then 10ms from 20ms to 100ms.
“Release Time”: the selectable range of the Peak Limiter's Release Time is from 0.04s to 1s in steps of 0.01s.
PDA500P User Manual