Installation
and
Operation
Manual
Event
History
The
control
panel
includes
a
non
‐
volatile
memory
recording
5000events,
plus
a
separate
alarm
‐
only
events.
Identified
alarm,
trouble,
supervisory,
status,
and
other
significant
events
will
be
recorded
along
with
the
date
and
time
of
occurrence.
These
can
be
viewed
by
operating
the
front
panel
push
buttons.
To
recall
past
events,
proceed
as
follows:
Press
the
button.
On
the
display,
select
“Archive”.
Press
the
“Enter”
button.
Use
the
up
button
next
to
the
to
see
the
previous
event
display.
Use
the
down
button
next
to
the
to
see
the
next
event
display.
The
history
record
rule
is:
New
events
overwrite
old
events
when
filled.
The
events
are
sorted
by
time
occurrence
sequence.
Events
recorded
in
the
history
are:
Alarm,
Trouble,
Supervisory,
and
Monitor
conditions
Alarm
silence/Resound
System
reset
System
startup
Enable/disable
function
Start
and
stop
of
Walk
Test
Trouble/supervisory
reminder
Trouble/supervisory
restored
to
normal