Installation
and
Operation
Manual
Power
Limited
Wiring
‐
Wiring
entering
the
enclosure
from
the
upper
left
side
of
the
enclosureor
the
right
side
is
considered
power
limited.
Wiring
must
be
in
the
shortest
route
and
must
not
overlap
any
other
wiring.
Wiring
Separation
All
high
voltage
and
non
‐
power
limited
wiring
must
be
separated
from
power
limited
wiring.
separation
of
at
least
1/4
inch
must
be
maintained
with
high
voltage
and
non
‐
power
limited
wiring
running
in
separate
conduit
openings
from
power
limited
wiring.
u
xiliar
y
Po
we
r
Cir
cuit
Power
‐
Limited
Power
‐
Limited
Figure
Wiring
Terminals
Location
Power
Supply
Wiring
Connection
Wire
the
supply
to
the
power
supply
on
the
back
of
the
enclosure.
The
supply
should
originate
from
a
dedicated
15A
branch
circuit.
It
should
be
provided
with
a
breaker
or
other
means
of
isolation
that
must
be
colored
red.
Dangerous
voltages
will
be
present
on
the
terminal
blockand
on
other
components
surrounding
it
when
the
supply
is
turned
on.
Do
not
touch.
Input
terminals
must
be
located
on
the
left
side
of
the
enclosure
and
in
the
knockouts
position
shown
inFigure
18.
Route
all
high
voltage
and
non
‐
power
limited
wiring
together
and
away
from
power
limited
wiring.
Refer
to
the
Power
Limiting
section
for
more
details.