Installation
and
Operation
Manual
The
FW106S/FW106SC
can
also
connect
with
up
to
panels
and/or
remote
annunciators
via
a
bus
to
form
a
fire
emergency
detection
and
notification
network
system.
Networked
panels
and/or
annunciators
can
share
the
following
events
and
manual
controls:
Event
(signal)
type:ALARM,
Manual
Control
type:
Signal
Silence,
Buzzer
Silence,
Reset,
Acknowledge
Event/control
sharing
can
be
configured
in
three
modes
–
Peer
to
Peer
,
Group
,
and
Master/Slave
.
Peer
‐
to
‐
Peer
All
panels/annunciatorsare
intended
to
function
as
a
single
system
andshare
events/controlsof
each
other.
Group
Panels/annunciators
can
be
assigned
into
multiple
groups.There
are
two
options
of
event/control
sharing:
o
“Events
&
Operation”
–Events
and
controls
are
only
shared
within
individual
group;
Events
and
Controlsare
shared
across
the
groups.
o
“Operation
Only”
–
Events
are
shared
across
the
network.
Controls
are
shared
within
individual
group.Each
panel/annunciator
can
silence
troubles
locally
outside
of
the
group.
Master/Slave
o
Only
one
panel
(address
#1)
can
be
the
Master
panel.
The
Master
panel
can
receive
events
from
all
networked
panels,
as
well
as
have
controls
over
all
panels.
o
All
the
other
panels
are
Slave
panels.
slave
panel
can
only
view
events
from
its
own
inputs,
and
control
its
own
outputs.
o
All
annunciators
act
like
the
Master
panel.