2.1 Intended use
MR991 is designed for face and body beauty treatment which is carried out with special
handpieces driven by a software that also guides the operator throughout the entire treatment.
A “checkup” form on the Customer’s general state of health is previously filled in to evaluate any
risk factors which could lead to the exclusion of some treatment phases.
Each handpiece is intended for a specific type of treatment, namely:
(MRM + programmable CMPS SYSTEM): suitable for body treatment on the
recommended areas and following the specified procedure;
(MRM + programmable CMPS SYSTEM): suitable for body treatment on the
recommended areas and following the specified procedure;
(CMPS SYSTEM for application of cream treatment): suitable for body treatment
on the recommended areas and following the specified procedure;
(programmable CMPS microsuction): suitable for face treatment on the
recommended areas and following the specified procedure.
2.2 Reasonably foreseeable misuse
MR991 (in any of its functions) should not be used in the following cases:
- People with implantable devices (heart stimulators, internal defibrillators, etc.)
- Treatment on open wounds, eyes, body cavities, nipples and testicles.
MR991 in MRM mode (mechanical manipulation with motorised rollers) should not be used
in the following cases:
- Thrombophlebitis
- Cardiocirculatory insufficiency
- Phlebitis
- Dermatological infections
- Hypertension
- Varicose veins
- Skin cancers (neoplasias)
- Tuberculosis
MR991 in CMPS SYSTEM mode (pulsed magnetic fields with stochastic resonance) should
not be used in the following cases:
- Presence of metal prostheses such as implant screws, staples, nails, clips, etc.
- Heart rhythm disorders
- Dermatitis
- Epilepsy
- Disorders of the autonomic nervous system
- Nervous disorders
- Pregnancy
- Menstrual cycle with heavy bleeding
- Open haemorrhoids and vascular lesions in general
- People with intrauterine devices such as catheter, coil, etc.
- Localised fungal infections
- Fever or disorders of thermoregulation