Launch Config Utility
This starts the configuration utility. It performs the same function as double-
clicking the icon.
Switch to AP Mode
In this mode, the Manhattan Wireless 450N Dual-Band USB Adapter acts as
both a wireless network adapter for your computer and an access point for other
wireless devices to connect to the network. In most cases, this function is not
needed and should not be activated.
Switch to AP Mode
In this mode, the wireless USB adapter acts as an access point for other wireless
devices to connect to the network, but it does
function as a regular wireless
network adapter. In most cases, this function is not needed and should not be
Windows Zero Configuration Tool (not shown)
In Windows XP, there is a Windows Zero Configuration Tool (WZC) option for
setting up wireless clients. When it’s selected, you will not use the Manhattan
WLAN configuration utility to connect to any wireless network. Instead, you
will use the Windows integrated so-called “Zero Config” function. If you are
experienced in the use of the Windows Zero configuration function, you can use it
instead of the
Manhattan WLAN configuration utility. Unless you plan on using the AP mode
function of the WLAN adapter, there are no disadvantages to using Windows Zero
configuration over the Manhattan WLAN configuration utility. (This user manual
only includes instructions for the Manhattan WLAN configuration utility, however.)
Manhattan WLAN Utility Main Screen